penting ga penting DISINI

coretan kosong belaka :D JFF -JustForFun- owner : phi eun saeng

  • Belajar Bahasa Korea

    안녕 친구, kalo diliat-liat nih yah, makin banyak aja temen2 yang tergila-gila sama segala sesuatu tentang korea, baik drama-nya, boyband-nya, variety show-nya, ataupun apapun lah tentang korea. Karena kita semakin sering nonton semua tentang korea, jadi, ga afdol kalo kita cuma bisa jadi penggemar aja, cuma nonton, cuma dengerin lagunya aja. akan lebih afdol kalo kita belajar juga bahasa mereka, kehidupan di Korea, dan tradisi-tradisi Korea lainnya. mauuu, mauu, mau ? yuuk chingu, Kita belajar bareng, check it out ! ...

  • Korean BoyBands and GirlBands ~ KPOP

    yeaa, SS501-KARA-RAINBOW,, that’s all my biased ! how about you ?? I guess all of you have your own lovely group, rite ? so, let’s we share here. I’ll give some Korean-Entertainer Info here, cekidot !

  • Wisata Indonesia-Ku

    I LOVE INDONESIA ~ my beloved Country. Eh guys, Indonesia juga punya banyak banget tempat-tempat yang menakjubkan loh. Ga cuma Pulau Dewata Bali, masih banyak kekayaan alam Indonesia yang bisa kita banggakan di kancah perwisataan Dunia. So, let’s spread it to the world. Let world see and enjoy our Awesome Country. Check these posts out !

guys, lama tak apdet ~~

eh, ini, bagi temen2 yang butuh software belajar bahasa korea, Bang-Ono dan kawan2 lagi buka obralan untuk mengahabiskan stock CD modul sisa acara Korean-week bulan lalu, dengan isi CD :

1. Modul Bahasa Korea jilid I ( Format MS Office word )
2. Modul Bahasa Korea jilid II ( Format MS Office word )
3. Percakapan Bahasa Korea ( Format MS Office word )
4. Kamus lengkap 20.000 kata ( Format excel )
5. Kamus Bergambar lengkap ( Format MS Office word )
6. File Audio Percakapan bahasa Korea ( Format MP3 )
7. software translating Korean - Indonesia / Indonesia - korea
8. Bonus Lagu-lagu Korea MP3

dengan harga Rp. 85.000 ( sudah termasuk ongkos Kirim )
hingga akhir bulan November ini.

bila berminat bisa menghubungi : atau via sms ke 081314292861 ( Randy ) atau 085731693335

buruan loh sebelum habis tanggalnya dan habis stok nya .
stok yg tersedia tinggal 60 pcs

ayook bururan di order~~ freeware, ga perlu koneksi ke internet~ dan 85ribu udah termasuk ongkir.
saya juga kepengen order, nunggu duit turun dari nyokab dulu deh, mudah2an masih ada sisa stock. hhe

that's my mention to cole

it's Cole's reply to my mention

ohhh my !!
everydays i've mentioning Nicole's twitter, finally, she reply my mention. LOL
what a happy i'm !!
because, i love her so much *huh, it sounds like a fanboy now :p*

so, why i love her so much ??
IMO, there's no reason to love or adore someone, rite ??
but, ofcourse, there's always reasons for everything

she's so cute, we have same generation, it's 91 generation.. ㅋㅋㅋ
she's multitalented.. great singer, amazing dancer, and also she's very fluent in english.
i love the smart one :)
and, she's also a lovable girl. i know it since i watch KARA's varietyshow, when Jiyoung as the youngest member of KARA being bullied *fooled* by gyuri (KARA's leader) until jiyoungie chocked, nicole suddenly looking for drink *mineralwater* take it and gave it to jiyoung. she really loves her youngest sister. she always give her cutest smile to everyone. and never mocking someone.
i love her characteristics, her kindness, her intelligence, her talents, and everything about her.

the point one is, i love her ..
NICOLE JUNG ~~ lets we watch HarryPotter and the deathly hallows then ~~ yuhuuu


okee, ini nih yang bikin maleess abiss di blogspot.
banyak komentator anonim yang ngebash, dan ga berani nampilin identitasnya
tapii, yaudinlah, di maklumi aja. namanya juga orang indonesia, doyan nge-bash tapi ga gentle nunjukkin dirinya siapa.
gue ga masalah kok kalo dikritik, atau dikasih saran, bahkan dihujat sekalipun. tapi asalkan orang yang ngehujat gue itu berani nunjukkin identitasnya siapa. jangan anonim gitu. kan bisa disebut pengecut tuh, hihi
btw, tengkyu untuk bashing-nya yaah :)
semoga bisa jadi pelajaran buat saya .. :)
hmm, gue udah ubah siapa aja yg boleh komen. si komentator anonim, udah di block, dan ga bisa komen lagi. biar mereka agak gentle dikit kalo mau komeng dimari.
okee. makasiiiy

credit pict :

infoo buat KPOPers Indonesia .. ada korea-week minggu depan.. baca disini

acara ini merupakan salah satu event Indonesia-Korean Week yang di selesanggarakan di Jakarta.
dan banyak lagi acara-acara lainnya.
seperti dibawah ini :

-Welcome dinner & Batik Hanbok Fashion Show (TIKET)
Tanggal, waktu : 11 Oktober, 06.30-20.30 WIB
Lokasi : Grand Balroom, The Ritz Carlton Hotel

- Korean Movie Festival (TIKIET)
Tanggal : 11-16 Oktober
Lokasi : Blitz Megaplex Grand Indonesia Judul Film yg akan ditayangkan menyusul

- Indonesia – Korea Friendship Sharing Concert 2010 (TIKET)
Tanggal, waktu : 12 Oktober, 18.30 WIB
Lokasi : Senayan Indoor Tennis Stadium
Penampilan : SHINee, Son Ho Young, Sherina, Gita Gutawa, GIGI,

- Korean Indonesia 2010 Cultural Exchange Festival (NON TIKET)
Tanggal : 12-17 Oktober
Lokasi : Gandaria Mall

- Culture Performance (UNDANGAN)
Tanggal, waktu : 13 Oktober, 18.30-20.30 WIB
Lokasi : Balai Kartini

- Promotion of AT&D Korea (Advanced Technology & Design Korea) (NON TIKET)
Tanggal : 14-16 Oktober
Lokasi : Pacific Place Shopping Mall, 1st floor

- Job Fair (DAFTAR)
Tanggal, waktu : 14 Oktober, 09.00 – 18.00 WIB
Lokasi : Tennis court, Senayan
Pendaftaran :
Phone +62 21 527 2612 (HRD Korea) Fax +62 21 527 2613 E-Mail

- Taekwondo Exhibition and Competition (NON TIKET)
Tanggal, waktu : 15 Oktober, 09.00 – 17.00 WIB
Lokasi : Tennis Court Senayan

- Badminton Friendship Competition (NON TIKET)
Tanggal : 15-16 Oktober
Lokasi : Gedung Basket Stadium

- Taste of Korea Food Festival (NON TIKET)
Tanggal, waktu : 16-17 Oktober, 13.00 WIB
Lokasi : Gandaria Mall

kontak info mengenai acara Korea - Indonesia week bisa menghubungi ke kedubes Korea di kantor yang baru di :

ㅇ Alamat
- The Plaza Office Tower, Lt. 30
Jl. H.M. Thamrin Kav.28-30, Jakarta Pusat 10350

ㅇ E-mail

ㅇ Telepon Kedutaan
- 021-2992-2500 (Hunting)

ㅇ Fax Kedutaan
- 021-2992-3131

ㅇ Telepon Konsular
- 021-2992-3030

ㅇ Fax Konsular
- 021-2992-1700

dan ini info kalender kegiatan dari kedubes Korea di Jakarta bisa di buka disini :


tapi sayang, tanggal 11-17 oktober itu gue lagi padet2nya jadwal kuliah. hiksss -__-

these are video taken from Star Golden Bell Ep 248, on 090815. guests are KARA, SNSD, 2PM, SHINee. all english subbed. check it out xDDDD

part 1 :
part 2 :
part 3 :
part 4 :
part 5 :
part 6 :
part 7 :
part 8 :

overall size of each video about 30mb, lets enjoy !

KARA Star Golden Bell Eng Sub ep 248

finally, i have new cyworld account . and its KOREAN cyworld, not USA cyworld anymore .

but, i still confused manage it -__-
all in hangeul -__-
its make me crazy to manage something, but idk everything about it .
huuuh, looks like blind people .

but, keep trying phii !

if u wanna make cyworld account,
there's things that you have to complete .
1. email on Gmail
2. Scan of Identification Card / KTP negara asal (NO SIM, NO Student Card !! just KTP)
3. dont forget to fill the form with the truth identity, because they will check your form based on your KTP
i think thats all .

you can ask me to make cyworld account for u, but i need to know your email + password.

my new account :
my minihoompy :

yeaayy, i can leave any messages on my IDOL cyworld